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Congratulations on your appointment and welcome to our academic community. The University is committed to effective induction, mentorship and support at all stages of your academic career.

Academic Life at Cambridge is an academic induction programme for recently appointed University Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors (Grades 11 and 12) and Senior Fellows.

Your department/faculty will coordinate your local induction, mentoring and introductions tailored to your role. Complementing the local experience, these pages will connect you to a wide range of University-wide academic resources to support your career success and help you settle into your new role.


Academic Life at Cambridge includes:

  • New Academic Staff Welcome held annually in October, highlighting the University’s strategic context and culture of inclusivity, diversity and wellbeing. Invitations will follow closer to the date.
  • Online self-directed academic induction resources with links to University-wide resources to advance all aspects of your academic career including: Teaching, Research & Service to the University and Academic Community. You will also be directed to the University’s key policies and processes related to probation and academic career promotion.


Culture and working environment

The University strives for the highest levels of excellence and has achieved its success through the diversity of its staff and students. Through our People Strategy and human resources policies, we aim to be a leader in fostering equality, diversity, inclusion, collegiality and a sense of belonging for all. We are pleased to hold an Athena Swan Institutional Silver award and a Race Equality Bronze award and have an ambitious agenda for change. The University expects all members of the University community to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times.

No doubt you will face challenges in the months and years ahead. Please take full advantage of everything the University has to offer, including resources to support your health and wellbeing.

Induction: Online provides comprehensive information, resources and essential training on culture, workplace, benefits, health, safety and wellbeing.